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Our Server Rules

Chat Rules
1.  English only and no chat spamming. If you can't handle harsh words, don't play Ark.
General Rules
1. There are no set wipes, Immortal Ark is truly immortal.
2. No hacking or abusing game bugs, glitches, or exploits.
3. No meshing. This excludes structures that may go slightly into the mesh when base building but structures placed completely and intentionally into the mesh is strictly forbidden.
4. You are not allowed to have a player or tribe name containing only numbers or "Human"
Tribe Rules
1. There is a six-man tribe limit.
2. Tribes are not permitted to "team" when it comes to PVP.  (This includes attacking or defending Raid-FOBs and/or players/tames at Raid-FOBs)
Raiding Rules
1. You can only raid on weekends (Saturday 1:00 am EST to Monday 1:00 am EST)
2. You can only hold a prisoner captive for 30 minutes, unless during a raid then it is extended to an hour.
Base Building Rules
1. No long-term building on or near obelisks, ground level city terminals, map spawn points, wyvern scars/hives, artifact spawns, progression caves, Aberration surface entrances, or Aberration biome entrances.
2. Excessive land claiming spam is not permitted and may result in it being removed without warning.

Immortal ark

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